Wednesday, February 01, 2017

The World I Thought I Knew

So where to start?  It's been such a rough year with the US presidential elections.  The unbelievable happened.  The orange thin-skinned narcissistic braggart is now the President of the USA.

Tweeting, the inability to take criticism, the need to be "better", "bigger", the continuing antagonism towards the press, the very poorly executed travel ban, building the wall, repealing the ACA.....all this and it's only Day 12 of his presidency!

Everyday, I see news feeds on Facebook of news articles from various sources mostly criticising his actions (but I suspect my group of Facebook friends are mostly left-leaning).  What shocks me most is that I still see Trump supporters continuing to support his incompetent actions.  Blind faith!  Like he is God!  Sigh.

The people around him are scary fellows - Bannon & Flynn especially, the former reputed to be a white supremacist, the latter a conspiracy theorist - both not terribly reassuring qualities.

I fear for the America that I thought I knew and love.  I hope that lawyers will find something in the constitution and laws strong enough to impeach him.

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