Friday, May 10, 2019

* "I Call B***S***"

...that a 12 year old child goes to school, a supposedly safe haven and is thrust into a situation where he ends up holding on to a baseball bat in the event that he will go down fighting, I call B***S***

...when American leadership can offer nothing but thoughts and prayers over the last few decades every time there is a mass shooting, I CALL B***S***

...when the American political system has been corrupted by big money lobbyists, I call B***S***

...when the small vocal minority and big money lobbyists prevent common sense gun laws from being enacted, I call B***S***

*this phrase was popularized by Parkland High School school student Emma Gonzales at a rally where she called out the hypocrisy and political shenanigans surrounding attempts to enact common sense gun laws

Monday, March 11, 2019


I've just realized that I haven't posted at all this year.  And last year's posts numbered a measly FIVE.  I attribute it  purely to laziness.

I sometimes blog in my head, making commentaries about various subjects in my mind, thinking that I'll write them down when I get home or when I next turn on the computer but end up not doing it at all.  Much of the commentary involves US politics, the stupidity of Trump, his sycophants, and the messed up political system of America.  Sometimes, it's about our boys, their lives and career paths.  Oftentimes, it's about my current life of splitting time between three countries visiting aging parents, keeping hubby company and visiting the boys.  And I wonder about the what-ifs - what if I had taken a different more traditional path, similar to that of my peers.  What if I had met and married a local guy and stayed in Singapore to raise a family.  What if I had continued practicing clinical medicine.

It's probably part of getting older and conversations with friends have changed from how old our kids are and where they are going to school, to what ones' retirement plans are.  I dug up old pictures recently - pictures from secondary school and junior college.  How little we knew then!  I can see the naivete and innocence in our faces.

As I approach my 55th birthday in a few weeks,  I am thankful for this life and path I have been presented with and followed.  What a life it has been.  It hasn't been the most conventional, and I remain fairly rootless at this ripe old age.  But I have no regrets and look forward to the coming decades and to see what they will bring.